Transplantation, Bioengineering, and Regeneration of the Endocrine Pancreas: Volume 2
Title :

Transplantation, Bioengineering, and Regeneration of the Endocrine Pancreas: Volume 2

Explanations of The Book

Transplantation, Bioengineering, and Regeneration of the Endocrine Pancreas, Volume 2, sets a new standard in transplant and regenerative medicine. The book details the state-of-the-art in modern islet auto-transplantation, also discussing current progress in regenerative medicine research in diabetes medicine. Regenerative medicine is changing the premise of solid organ transplantation, hence this volume catalogs technologies being developed and methods being implemented. Bioengineering and regenerating beta cells, clinical pancreas and islet transplantation, tissue engineering, biomaterial sciences, stem cell biology and developmental biology are all addressed and applied directly to diabetes medicine.


Science > Life Sciences > Cytology, Science > Life Sciences > Biology > Developmental Biology, Transplantation, Regenerative medicine, Pancreas

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